Archive for January, 2010

2009, The Year That Wasn’t

January 8, 2010

So this is my retrospect on 2009.

Mixed feelings about that year. My story is this, fresh from finishing school, i was on what felt like holidays, til about march, me and my best friend jack looked for a house in Geelong, two other friends initially started looking with us, but they did the dirty and pulled out of looking at the worst possible time, the beginnings of their selfiishness which has culminated in the ending of both friendships.

We eventually found a house, i got a transfer to the supermarket there, I met some great people who i worked with. life was good.

until, one of our friends asked to come stay for five days while she attended school in Geelong. five days turned into 4 months, she treated us like shit, after two months two more friends moved in (three girls in one bedroom) We let them walk all over us, and when they finally left two started talking shit about me and didn’t pay me the rent and bill money they owed us. (now one of our mutual friends, was nearly left homeless and asked to stay with them, they said for a week and then she has to leave, after all we did for them…)

i had my first real relationship. fuck that. he was a peice of shit.

we moved out of the house in december and now i’m back in camperdown.

Callum’s fave moments of 2010

– Amanda Palmer Concert
-Liza Minelli Concert (smoking joints out the front)
-vomitting at the meblourne train station after my birthday party
-our end of financial year sale party!
-Starting a novelty band, Alice’s Massive Cunt
-Ghost Party
-New years eve party
-all the pot smoking shenanigans.

Songs of 2009 (not released just my soundtrack to ’09)
-cornflake girl – tori amos
-lovecats – the cure
-exquisite corpse – yoko ono
-sandy’s song – amanda palmer
-can’t shake it – kate miller-heidke
-fidelity – regina spektor
-heart it races – architecture in helsinki
-baby’s on fire – velvet goldmine soundtrack
-forbidden fruit – nina simone

best movies of 2009 (of films released 2009)

-inglourious basterds
-where the wild things are
-district 9
-the dark knight

Other things i loved,

sangria, 30 rock, twitter, HOFAR, weed, amanda palmer, john waters, wig in a box, moving out, lovelovelove
allright year but bring on twentyten.

over and out


Due for a blog

January 4, 2010

Long overdue.

but i had a break over Xmas/newyears.

both were good but not without dramas.

I start my new (old) job tomorrow.

sangria is awesome.

My mum is being a bitch. she said today that we’re trying to discourage (my faggotry.) bitch.

seen lots of movies

Avatar at the cinema twice

best movie of the year for me.

i saw Bruno, it was allright, i like it’s politics and not much of the humour, better with the commentary i thought.

i saw feast 1, not all that good, and lacked the whackiness of the sequel

i saw from hell, whuich was medicore compared to the graphic novel.

i saw step brothers, with low expectations, and was blown away by how gunuinly funny it was.

and i finally saw newcastle, a film i’ve wanted to see for ages, and on new years day incredibly hungover it was on and it rightened up my day. it was fab!
Xavier Samuel = om nom nom

that’ll do for now.

ah yeah i have fleas.

over and out
